Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Kasey's Trip Recap: Royal Military Tattoo

When Kasey landed at 4:30 on Saturday afternoon, we hit the ground running and really didn't stop the whole week. After regrouping and repacking a small bag, Ryan, Kasey, myself and our friend Kristin were off to Edinburgh for the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

Military Tattoo is something that is better experienced than described. It's a world renowned entertainment event that features military bands from around the world with the spectacular Edinburgh Castle as the backdrop. "The word 'tattoo' comes from the closing-time cry in the inns in the Low Countries during the 17th and 18th centuries-Doe den tap toe (turn off the taps)". (edintattoo.co.uk) This year's Tattoo was a tribute to the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, the year of Creative Scotland and even featured music from the Pixar movie Brave (a must see if you haven't already).

The Lone Piper
Though every band brought something different, the traditional Scottish piping was by far my favorite. The sound truly sends chills up your spine and the lone piper brings silence to the crowd as everyone admires the amazing sound. These video don't do this experience justice so I definitely suggest you add it to your bucket list, regardless of where you live!

The Tattoo was the perfect start to Kasey's trip. She got a taste of everything Scottish and it forced her to stay up and fight the jet lag because the next day we didn't slow down!

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